Happy Day! It's been a terrific past week at Oak City Fibers! Y'all came out and supported local and it is GREATLY appreciated!
Oak City Fibers Yarn Shop is looking to expand our Team. We are scheduling interviews this week and always collecting resumes. I am seeking an energetic, happy, and fun part-time employee to join us at OCF! You must be able to work weekday afternoons, and evenings, lots of Saturdays, 15-20 hrs/week, and be skilled in Knitting and know some Crochet plus able to lift heavy boxes. If interested, please email your resume to glen@oakcityfibers.com I can provide a job description to those interested.
The week of 07/16/24 at a glance with Oak City Fibers Yarn Store: Winey Wednesday & Knit-A-Long 1:00-3:00 (Glen will be continuing the Pressed Flowers Cowl), 5:00-7:00 Thursday KAL with Glen in the Circle of Kindness 2:00-4:00.
New classes have been added to the calendar through July.
The Knit-A-Long for July 2024 is The Pressed Flowers Cowl by Amy Christoffers. The shop sample is knit in Making Tracks Lite and Queen City Latta! We have kits available for purchase or you can pick your own colors and yarn! I've finished my cowl this past week! (See pic below in "Happy Day" colorway by Magpie Swanky Sock and "Carrot" colorway in Moondrake Chibi. It's a fast and fun mosaic knit! Come grab your kit or pick out your colors today! I want to do one big group pic with the Pressed Flowers Swag the first week of August and share in the newsletter so be sure to join in the fun! You can work on the KAL ANYTIME you're in the shop or at home! We have a few kits left so come get yours today and cast on!
***KATE OATES IS COMING TO OAK CITY FIBERS! Look Below for Class Links and Register TODAY! Classes are limited!***
Come join in the fun at OCF anytime! We love our community of customers and can't be here without y'all! Find the Joy in each day and always give thanks for the small stuff! Be Kind in all things and remember, Support Local or Local won't be here!! See you at "The OCF" soon! Happy Day! Glen